WOD for 082719

Prep for Heavy Backsquats

*We’re going to record the weight for the 8, 6 , and 4s today

Strength :Back squats (16 Mins)

Every 4 Mins




1×10 reps @ 10-20lbs lighter than your set of 8

*Aim to make each set heavy, but not near failure

*Goal is to increase weight during each of the first 3 sets

Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time: (9 Min Cap)

36 Air squats

18 Alt. DB Snatches

9 Box Jump + Step Downs

Comp: Goblet Squats, 70/50, 30/24

Fitness: 50/35, 24/20

GPP: 35/25, 20/16

Health: 25 Airsquats, 20/15, Step Ups