WOD for 090219

“This One is for the Girls”

Teams of 3

On a 35 Minute Running Clock:


“Isabel with the Good Shoulders”

45 Snatches

Comp: 135/95 Squat Snatches-Alt. Partners every rep

Fitness: 135/95 Snatch Anyhow, alternate partners every rep

GPP: 95/65 Power Snatches, Split However (if you finish under 4:00 go to 60 reps)

Health: 80 Ball Slams


“Strong Grace”

45 Clean and Jerks

Comp: 185/125, Alt. Partners every rep

Fitness: 155/105, Alt. Partners every rep

GPP: 115/75, Split however (if you finish under 10:00 go to 60 reps)

Health: DB Clean and Jerks x 60


“Kelly and Co.”

20 Minute AMRAP Performed Waterfall Style:

15 Wallballs

15 Box Jumps

Run 200 Meters

*When all team members have finished their wallballs and box jumps.. the team will run 200 meters together


-Partner 1 starts on 15 Wallballs.. once they finish they move on to 15 box jumps

-Partner 2 can start wallballs when P1 moves on to box jumps.. and when they finish WB’s they move to the box.

-Partner 3 follows in the same fashion.

-Once P1 finishes WB’s and Box Jumps.. they rest and wait for the other 2 to finish WB’s and Box Jumps.

-When everyone finishes Box Jumps and Wallballs.. all 3 teammates run 200 m together. P1 can start WB’s as soon as they get back inside.

Comp: 30/20, 30/24

Fitness: 20/14, 24/20

GPP: 14/10, 20/16 (step ups as needed)

Health: 10/6, Plate Jumps, 200-300 m runs

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