Skill: Double Unders
Strength: Strict Pullups + Double Unders
Every 2 Mins x 5 Sets
5-10 Strict Pullups *
35-50 Double Unders
*Pullup Options: Weighted, Strict C2B, Banded, Ring Rows with pausesĀ
*Double Under Options: 1 Min of practice/ round or up to 50 singles
3:00 on/3:00 off x 3 rounds
25/18 Pushups
15 Sumo DL High Pulls (Barbell)
Row x Max Cals in remaining time
*Score is max cals accrued across all 3 sets
Comp: 25 Ring Pushups, 95/65
Fitness: 15-25 Pushups, 75/55
GPP: 10-14 Pushups, 55/45
Health: Box Pushups x 10-15, KB SDLHP