WOD for 090519

Skill: Snatch Positions

Strength: Snatch (11 mins)

EMOTM x 3 Minutes

3 Hang Muscle Snatches

1:00 rest + add weight

EMOTM x 3 MinutesĀ­

3 Hang Power Snatches

1:00 rest + add Weight

EMOTM x 3 Minutes

3 Snatches (Roughly 70-75%, Power or Squat)


Within 20 Minutes….

Complete 4-5 Rounds in any order.. and at 80% Speed

5 Power Snatches (done as singles)(Increase wt. each round if you want)

30 Situps (15 Toes 2 Bar)

15 Ball Slams

500/400 Meter Row

Comp: Start at 135/95 and build, 20 Toes 2 Bar, 500/400m Row

Fitness: Start at 95/65 and Build, 30 situps or 15 T2B, 500/400m Row

GPP: Start at 75/55, 20-30 situps, 400/350m row

Health: 10 Heavier Alt. DB Snatches, 15-20 situps, 350/300m Row

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