WOD for 091118

Flexy Time: Squat Mobility/Front Rack Mobility


Back Squats

5×4 @ heavier than last week (21X1) *Note New Tempo

*Sets are Every 2-3 Minutes



3 Sets for Total Working Time:

Min 0-4: Row 350m/300m, 10 Squat Cleans

Min 4-8: Rest

Min 8-12: Row 350m/300m 8 Squat Cleans

Min 12-16: Rest

Min 16-20: Row 350m/300m, 6 Squat Cleans


*Barbell Weight Increases each round

*Each individual Round is timed… your score is the total of all of your “working times”


L1: 350/300, 155/105, 185/135, 205/145

L2: 350/300, 135/95, 155/105, 185/135

L3: 300/250, 95/65, 115/85, 135/95

L4: 250/200 Meter Row, DB Squats

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