WOD for 091919

Skill: Toes 2 Bar

Strength: Power Cleans

Every 90 secs x 5 sets

2 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Power Cleans

-All sets at the same weight, roughly 70% of 1RM

*Drop the bar between the last 2 power cleans


EMOTM x 15 Mins

1) 7 Power Cleans

2) :45 Wallsit

3)Toes 2 Bar

Comp: 205/140, 15 Toes 2 Bar

Fitness: 155/105, 10 Toes 2 Bar

GPP: 95/65, 10 Toes 2 Target or V ups

Health: DB Power Clean, 8-10 V Ups

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