Womxn’s Strength workouts for the week of 1/13/20


Bench Press 6 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
Seated DB Press 6 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
Lat Pull-downs 3 x 15 (30×1) 
Banded Pull-aparts, 3 x 20
Banded Bicep Curls, x 100, break as needed
Russian Twists 3 x 15 (L+R=1)
Box Squat, 8 x 3 @60% (pause on box, fast up)
Deadlift, 3 x 5 @60% (3 second negative and reset)
SS: A) Alternating Weighted Lunge 4 x 12 (any hold)
B) Russian KB Swing, 4 x 8-12
Banded Leg Extensions x 100, minimal breaks
Tabata Toes to KB, (sub toes to rig)


Deadlift 6 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
DB Romanian Deadlifts, 6 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
SS A: Russian KB Swings 3 x 10
B: Goblet Reverse Lunges 3 x 10/leg
Banded Hamstring Curls x 100 reps, break as needed
Weighted situps 3 x 15
Bench Press 8 x 3 @ 60%
JM Press, 4 x 8
SS: A) DB Bench Press 4 x 10-12
B) Band Pull-aparts 4 x 20
Lat Pull-downs 3 x 15
Weighted Planks, 3 x 30 seconds


Back Squat, 6 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
DB Bent-over Rows, 4 x 8 (301) 30 seconds rest b/w sets
Pull-ups 5 x 5 (30×1) 30 sec. rest (jump from box if needed, sub inverted row)
Banded face pulls 3 x 20
Banded Pull-throughs 3 x 20
Wall-Sits 4 x 30 seconds, weighted if too easy
Alt. Stance Deadlift (Sumo for most), 6 x 3 @ 60%
Snatch Grip bent-over row, 4 x 8-10
SS: A) Split Squat, 4 x 6-10/leg (Heavy KB Goblet hold)
B) KB Romanian Deadlifts, 4 x 12
Glute Ham Raise negative, 3 x 5 as slow AP
Wall-sits, 4 x 40 seconds (weighted if too easy)
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