week of 10/14-10/19
Day 1
Back Squat 1 x 1 @ RPE 8
Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 80%
Heavy Walk Outs 3×10 secs @ 110%
Partner Medball Situps
Day 2:
Press 1×1 @ RPE 8
Press 3×5 @ 80%
Incline DB BP (high) 4×6 @ 60% total
Dips SSPT 9
Superset: 3×12
Double Arm DB Row and Weighted Pushups
Superset: 3×10
V Ups/Hovers/Bicycles
Day 3:
Deadlift 1 x 1 @ RPE 8
Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 80%
1 and 1/4 Squats 4×4 @65%
SS 3 x 12 Reverse Hyper and Belt Squats-increase wt
3 x 10 Standing Landmine Rotation
Day 4:
Bench Press 1 x 1 @ RPE 8
Bench Press 3 x 5 @80%
Heavy Holds 3×10 sec @ 110%
Iso Press 5×10 sec @ 55%
Pull-ups SSPT 9
SS 3 x 15 EZ Bar Curls and Skull Crushers
DISCLAIMER: This programming is intended for use by athletes who are full time participants in Bull City Powerlifting Club. It is not to be used as a supplement for any other program at CFD (Strength & Conditioning, Hustle, or Open Gym athletes).