Lower Body Primer 3 Sets: 20 Alt. Lunges (BW or loaded, up to you!) 10 Barbell Glute Bridges rest 1:00 b/w sets Strength: Front Squats Every 3:00 x 7 sets (21 mins) 3 Front Squats @ 21X1 Tempo *Increase weight each set up to something that is maximum effort on the last setRead More
WOD 1: Individual – Benchmark – AMRAPBenchmark “Ami“15 Min AMRAP5 DB Thruster5 Push Up5 KB Swing5 Squat Jump5 Sit UpFinisher: 2 – 3 Rounds depending on Time Available10 Side Bent Sit to Tall Kneel10 Cossack Squat10 Lateral Step OverRead More