31 Heroes Workout on 9/3 and Fight Gone Bad 6 on 9/17! Learn more
WOD for Tuesday 082311 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Ring Pushups
5 sets of Max Reps
For Time:
15 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
100m shuttle
12 Hang Power Clean
75m shuttle
9 Hang Power Clean
50m shuttle
6 Hang Power Clean
25m shuttle
Post Ring Pushups Reps and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, perform 5 sets of Max Rep Pushups on the rings. Scale pushups as necessary (parallettes, floor, etc). These should be true “max effort” sets. Do not leave anything in the tank.
For the conditioning workout, scale the HPC as necessary. Shuttle runs as follows: Ex: 100m shuttle = Sprint 100m down and back, then 75m down and back, then 50m down and back, then 25m down and back. 75m shuttle = 75, then 50, then 25. Etc
Coach Burgener on the Hang Power Clean
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