Behind Bars

CFD is going to watch the Carolina Phoenix

Come watch Murphie smash people!  Info here.

WOD for Thursday 051712Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
15 minutes of practice
Use your time wisely – if you have MUs set the clock and perform 1,2, or 3 (or more) reps on the minute for 10-12 minutes
For Time:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squat (135/95)
15 Pullups

Post Workout Time to Comments
For the skill segment, we’re working on Muscle Ups.  If you don’t have them, practice transitions, pullups, and/or dips.

For the conditioning workout, don’t hit your head on the bar during the burpees.  Take the OHS from the floor…not a rack.  Scale up pullups to chest to bar.   

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

20 Consecutive Muscle Ups!

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