Retro Week WOD #4

CFD Celebrates Our 4 Year Anniversary This Week!

Join us for “Retro WODs” all week long!

WOD for Tuesday 081412Click Here For Today’s Schedule
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 DB Clean and Jerks (25/15)
Run 400m

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This WOD was first programmed at CFD on August 14, 2008.  These should be full squat cleans.  Separate the movement between the clean and jerk (ie, don’t do a clean to thruster).  Note the relatively light load…go fast 🙂

Got questions on the DB Clean and Jerk?  This video is awesome (in so many ways)

We are hosting the 2012 Bull City Barbell Open this Saturday!

Would you like to help out?  Please email Dave! 

In particular, we need weight loaders (guys and girls welcome!)