Elbows High And Tight

FREE Nutrition Q&A – Saturday, October 13th at noon 

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WOD for Wednesday 100312Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squat – 80% 1RM                     
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
7 Double Thrusters (40/25)
7 Ball Slams (30/20)

Post Front Squat Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, once warmed up, perform 5 sets of three rep Front Squats from the rack.  These 5 sets should all be done at 80% 1RM.  Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.

For the conditioning workout, pick a heavy thruster load in either dumbbells or kettlebells, but one that will allow you to complete 7 reps unbroken.  Keep good form on the Ball Slams…make sure you are slamming with your whole body.  The bottom position to mirror an air squat.

Front Squats Good vs. Bad

This is the rough design for our new hoodies!  You can reserve yours before October 12th on the sign up sheet at the gym.  There are three different styles and many different colors available.