Snatch Accessories

This is the rough design for our new hoodies!  You can reserve yours before October 12th on the sign up sheet at the gym.  There are three different styles and many different colors available.

WOD for Sunday 100712Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
3 reps on the minute for 12 minutes
Complete 5 Rounds:
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Power Snatches
3 Snatch Push Press

*Perform at 75% of 1RM Power Snatch
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets

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For the strength segment, find the appropriate scale for your Muscle Ups and perform 3 reps on the minute for 10 minutes.

The conditioning workout is not a traditional metcon.  Make sure you use a heavy enough weight (75% 1RM Power Snatch).  You can break up your reps as needed, but should be able to complete each group of 3 unbroken.  Take the necessary rest between rounds.  Don’t turn this into a sloppy metcon wod.

OPEN GYM today from 10am-12pm in the green room!

Snatch pulls, deadlifts, push press!

FREE Nutrition Q&A – Saturday, October 13th at noon 

Register here

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