WOD for 040318

No Skill:
Take no more than 12 mins to warm-up the Squat

Week 1 of 9: Pause Front Squat Cycle
Part A: Instructions- With a 15-min running clock find a HEAVY Pause FS (7 sec in bottom/15 in FR Postion)
Part B: Instructions- With a 15-min running clock, take 80% of your heavy for a (3×3) (Same above Pauses)

Coaches note: For the 3×3, 1 full set of the 3 is 1:06.
Coaches note: Ensure people are keeping elbows up, tight core, and leading with their elbows when driving up with their hips coming through (Forward)

9-minutes AMRAP
6 Sandbag Over the shoulder
9 Burpees to 6″ Target
12 Wall Balls

Goal= 4+ Rounds

L1: 150/100, 20/14
L2: 120/80, 20/14
L3: 80/60, 14/12
L4: 35/25, 12/10

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