Strength: Upper Body Gainz
8-min EMOM
Station 1: Challenging # of Chin-ups (Underhand)
Station 2: 0:45 Weighted Russian Twists
Strict Press:
3 x 8 with a 0:03 Descent
*Feel free to climb in weight*
*Be sure to stick to the 0:03 down*
(Rest 1-2 mins between Working SETS)
(10 Minutes for strict press)
With a Partner! Within (15)-mins…
3 Rounds:
Row 800/600 Meters (Split in half)
10/each Single Arm DB Push Press (I do 10, you do 10, then switch arms) (AHAP)
1:00 Plank (both, same time)
Comp: 1,000/750m row, Ring Plank
Fitness: 800/600m row, Plank
GPP: 800/600m row, :30-:60 plank
Health: 600/500,m row, :30-:60 plank