Strong workouts for the week of 110419

Day 1:

Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Dumbbell BP 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Dumbbel Chest fly 5 x 8 (Light)  (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Banded Hamstring Curls 5 x 8  (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Standing Tricep Extension (machine) 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Side delt raise 5 x 8  (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Day 2:

Back Squat 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Chin-up 5 x 5 (30×1) 30 sec. rest (banded if needed)

Weighted step-up (suitcase) 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Banded Leg extension 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest

DB high pulls 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

EZ-bar bicep curl 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Day 3:

Sumo Deadlift 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Incline DB bench Press 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Weighted Glute Bridge 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Strict Dips 5 x 8 (banded if needed) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Half kneeling SA DB press 4 x 8/arm 5 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Seated Row (machine) 3 x 15 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Day 4:

Bench Press 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Alt. Front rack rev. lungest 5 x 8 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

DB Hange Power clean 5 x 8 (light-moderate) 30 sec. rest

Cable Cross-over 3 x 15 (light-moderate) (30×1)

Zottman Curls 5 x 8 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. rest

Tabata Toes 2 KB (20 sec on, 10 sec off for 8 rounds)