Womxn’s Strength workouts for the week of 03/16/20

Back Squat 6 x 3 @70%
Back rack alternating lunges, 3 x 12
A) DB Romanian Deadlift 4 x 10-12
B) Banded Calf Raises 4 x 20
Weighted Wall-sits 3 x :30-45 seconds
Bench Press 6 x 3 @70%
DB Z-press 4 x 8-10
SS: 4 x 10-12
A) DB Chest Fly 
B) DB Bent-over row 
Plank Pull-throughs 3 x 30 (L+R =2)
Deadlift 6 x 3 @70%
Goblet Squat, 4 x 8-10 (3 second negative tempo)
A) Weighted Step ups 4 x 10/leg
B) Russian KB Swing 4 x 15
Sorenson Hold, 3 x :30-45 seconds