Whiteboard Brief:
3 Rounds
8 Good Mornings
10 Arm Circles
8 Scap Push Ups
10 Russian Twists
Build: Shoulders
Cardio Strength Edition:
E 2 Mins x 4 Sets:
:30 MTN Climbers or Jump Rope
5-10 Strict or Push Press (R arm)
5-10 Strict or Push Press (L Arm)
Death By Devil’s Press
EMOTM until you can’t no mo’
+1 Devil’s Press
*Single or Double DB/KB Today.. up to you!
*To start.. in the first minute you will do 1 Devil’s Press..
On the next minute do 2
Next minute do 3
and so on until you can’t finish all the reps in the minute anymore.
*You’re an ultra bad ass if you get into the round of 15