CFD workout for 04/25/20

“Marc Frandanowitz”

Grab your fitness buddy.. hop on the Zoom Zoom and lets get cookin’!!!

Single Arm Hang Squat Cleans (alt. arms as desired)
Alt. Single Leg V Up (L + R = 1 rep today, get some)

*Each partner will do ALL of the written reps in an “I go, You go” Style
I will complete 21 squat cleans, and then you will complete 21 squat cleans.
I do 21 alt. v ups, you do 21 etc..

rest 3:00

Single Arm S2OH
Squat Jumps Over Object

*Same “I go, You go” style

rest 3:00

50 Single Arm Power Cleans
50 Sumo Deadlifts (1 DB/KB, or Bag)
50 Alt. DB Snatches
50 Sumo Deadlifts
50 Single Arm Power Cleans