CFD workout for 8/5/2020

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:

12 Grasshoppers (6/6)

6 Cat/Cow

10 Rocket Jumps

2 Rounds:

:20 Jog in place

5 Barbell RDL

5 Bent over barbell rows

Strength: Deadlift + Back and Obliques

Every 2:00 x 5 sets

6 Deadlifts with a 3 sec lower each rep

-Try not to make a sound with the weights!


Every 4:00 x 4 sets

Row/Bike x 25/20 Cals

10 Bent Over Rows with a 31X1 Tempo

10 ea/ Side Plank Rotations

*Run option Is going to be 200-400m, keep your runs under 2:00*