Double Date

Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting!
Sunday, February 21st.  More info here!

2010 BOOTCAMPS – Not Too Late To Join!
6:15am Bootcamp (M, W, F)

7:15am Bootcamp (M, W, F)

January FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

WOD for Thursday 010710 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pistols (alternating leg each round)
15 Pullups 

Post WOD and Number of Rounds Completed to Comments
Movements should be scaled as necessary to allow for proper execution and to maximize power output and intensity.   

With the holidays behind us, we are expecting an extra high participation rate beginning this week.  To continue to provide the best Strength & Conditioning experience for all athletes, newbies and veterans, please help us with the following:

1)  All athletes are expected to complete the posted Workout Of The Day.  If you’re injured, need a back off day, or are just not comfortable with a particular movement in the WOD, speak with the class coach about modifying the workout before just doing something on your own.  Modifications can be made to every WOD to work around injuries or to work on weaknesses.

2) Be on time for class!  Missing the group warmup and instruction not only disrupts the group, but means starting the workout unprepared for the work to be done, and risking injury.

3)  Scale all loads and movements as necessary so that you can perform every WOD as safely and efficiently as possible.  Fighting through a WOD RX’d just for the sake of getting RX next to your name on the whiteboard not only risks injury, but, more importantly, will limit your ability to learn the movements and improve your fitness and work capacity. 

4) Take care of the equipment!  Don’t drop kettlebells or empty barbells.  Don’t use excessive amounts of chalk.   Put all of your equipment, particularly kettlebells and barbells, away when you’re done, even if there is another class coming in.  

5)  Keep everyone healthy!  It’s still cold and flu season.  Use the Purell by the front door when you enter and exit the gym.  Wipe down all of the equipment/mats you use with the gym wipes after your WOD.  Don’t use excessive amounts of chalk! 

Olympic Weightlifting seminar preview!  Coming February 21st!

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