Burpee Pullup Bonanza

Fifth Ape Seminar – February 5th! 

Durham Indoor Rowing Trials – February 27th!

WOD for Friday 011411  – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 
Push/Split Jerk

3 reps @65%
3 reps @70%
3 reps @80%
3 reps @85%
Max reps @95%
For Total Reps:

Burpee Pullups
3 minutes of work
90 seconds rest
2 minutes of work
90 seconds rest
1 minute of work

Post Jerk Loads and Burpee Pullup Reps to Comments
All %’s for the strength segment of the workout should be based on your 1RM for the lift and are meant to serve as a guide in your training.  You should generally not be failing on any set except maybe your last one of the day.  If you’re unsure about your technique or ability to perform a given set safely at the posted %, then use common sense and good judgement.  When in doubt, live to lift again another day.   

For the Metcon, you should jump to a bar or set of rings set approximately 6″ above your standing reach for the pullups. 

OPEN GYM tonight from 7-8pm!  Make up a missed WOD or work on your lifts!

Beginning this week, we will offer a 7:15am WOD each morning, Monday through Friday!  

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting January 25th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting February 15th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting March 8th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Upcoming Events
Strength & Conditioning Rowing Foundations Certification – Saturday, January 15
Fifth Ape Parkour Seminar – Saturday, February 5
Triad Barbell Open — Sat, February 26th, at CF Downtown Winston
Durham Indoor Rowing Trials — Sun, February 27th

Jerk Demos from Catalyst Athletics

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