Got a nagging injury or ailment? You NEED to attend the Z-Fit Seminar THIS SATURDAY!
Nutrition Q&A Session — Saturday, March 26th – FREE!
WOD for Wednesday 031611 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup: Perform 5 reps @40% and 50%, 3 reps @60% “working 1RM”
Work Sets: Perform 5 reps @75%, 3 reps @85%, max reps @95% “working 1RM”
For Time:
30 Back Squat (1x bodyweight)
Row 1000m
Post Press Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, we are starting Week #3 of the Wendler 5-3-1 Program (more details here). “Working 1RM” is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. If you are not sure of your current 1RM talk to your Coaches and they’ll help you determine it. Note: 1st work set is 5 reps, 2nd is 3 reps, and final work set is for “max reps”. However, you should not be going to absolute failure on this last set.
For the Metcon, scale Back Squat to 50% true 1RM if bodyweight is too much.
Would you be interested in a CFD group outing to a Durham Bulls game some time this Spring? Terrace box tickets and some food/drink included? Please post answer to comments
Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting March 29th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm) – Only 3 spots left!
Starting April 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Upcoming Events
Z-Fit Joint Mobility Seminar — Sat, March 19th
Nutrition Guide Rollout and Q&A — Sat, March 26th