“Glass” Ceiling

The Bull City Barbell Club is getting started!
If you’re interesting in training with the inaugural group email [email protected].  Training will take place Saturday (8-9am), Monday and Wednesday (7-8:30pm) beginning this Saturday, July 9th.

WOD for Thursday 070711Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
Perform 3 reps on the minute for 10 minutes
Sarah Glass’ Birthday WOD
Back Squat (bodyweight)
Power Clean (155/105)
Between each round, perform 100/75/50 double unders (total of 225, ending on double unders)

Post Push Press Loads and Metcon Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, alternate between sets of 10 reps (approx. 40% 1RM) and a single rep (as heavy as possible) for the Push Press (not Push Jerk).  

For the Metcon, use the same load for both movements.  Do not take the bar from a rack. 

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm with Coach Paul!

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting July 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting August 16th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Good videos on the Power Clean


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