WOD for Tuesday 102511 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
KB Snatch
3 Rounds
Pick a moderately heavy load and do as many reps as possible with each hand without putting the KB down
6 Rounds For Time:
20 KB Swings (52/35)
Rest 30 seconds
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest 60 seconds
Post KB Snatch Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, do as many KB Snatches as you can on each arm without putting the KB down.
For the conditioning workout, do American Swings and jump all Box Jumps for RX.
Framing of the open wall and painting of the new space should be completed this week. We’ve gotten several new pieces of equipment in already and lots more on the way, including the new pullup structure which will hopefully arrive later this week. Thanks for your patience as we get everything done over the next couple of weeks!
Refining the KB Snatch with Jeff Martone!