12 Days of Christmas

Last chance holiday shopping in the CF Durham Store here!

There will be a 10am WOD on Christmas morning with Coach Paul!

WOD for Saturday 122411
“12 Days of Christmas
1 – Burpee Pullup
2- Turkish Get Ups
3- Knees to Elbows
4- Wall Ball
5- Kettlebell Swings
6- Box Jumps
7- Push Press
8- Med Ball Cleans
9- Double Unders
10- Jumping Lunges
11- Pushups
12- Pullups

– The first round is just one burpee pullup. Then the second round is 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee pull up. The third is 3 Knees to elbows, 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee pull up. This continues so that the 12th round incorporates all 12 movements.

Post Workout Time to Comments
Scale your loads and movements as necessary for today’s workout.  Take your time and get it all done.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT this morning at 9am with Coach Paul!

COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am!

Christmas Weekend Schedule
Saturday – Regular Classes – No Pilates or Mobility
Sunday – 10am Workout
Monday – 9am and 10am only

Toys and Treats for Tails

Toy & food drive benefiting the animals at the Durham County Animal Shelter

You can drop your donations in the bin at the gym

• Small bite dry food  (Pedigree is our favorite!)
• Ground canned food
• Chews & soft treats
• Hard rubber toys & balls
• Kong/Rhino cones & stuff-a-balls
• Rope toys

• Dry adult and kitten food (Purina One is our favorite!)
• Canned food (Poultry Platter is our favorite!)
• Washable, small plush toys
• Small, plastic balls and jingle toys

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