An Almost AMRAP

WOD for Friday 080913 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
4 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – – (see video)

5 Rounds:
1st position Snatch
2nd position Snatch
Full Snatch
Rest 1 min between rounds
Use 50% of Snatch 1RM

Back Squat
5 reps @60%
3 reps @70%
3 reps @80%
4 singles @90% 1RM

In 6 minutes complete almost as many reps as possible unbroken in each station (move to the next movement 3 reps short of failure):
Russian KB Swings (70/52)
Hand Release Pushups
Hollow Rocks

Post Squat Loads and Total Reps Completed to Comments 
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 4 rounds BEFORE class begins – first round with PVC, 2nd with training bar, 3rd and 4th with women’s bar (guy’s should do a 4th with a 45lb bar).  For the skill segment, perform 1 snatch from each position each round.  Reset yourself at each position.  Don’t rush.  These are meant to be light so you can focus on proper positioning, full extension, and a strong landing/receiving position.  Consider holding each overhead squat for a 1-2 count to settle into the bottom position.

For the strength segment, for the Back Squat follow the reps and % progression up to 4 singles at 90% 1RM.  You can work quickly through the warmups, but rest roughly 3-4 minutes between the 3 work sets.  These are going to be heavy, but you should still not be missing reps. 

For the conditioning workout, move through each movement by performing almost as many unbroken reps as possible at each station.  Do your best to NOT go to failure at any station.  The idea is to be working the entire 6 minutes with no rest. 

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Coach Ryan on today’s Snatch Skill Session

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