Anne Abney

314551_10150303934795448_2128249297_nMember Since August 2011

What were you doing for exercise before Strength & Conditioning? 
Before Strength & Conditioning, I mainly rode my bicycle about 40 miles a week and felt pretty directionless as far as how I was supposed to “get in shape”.

How would you describe your previous athletic background before Strength & Conditioning?
Until the past two years, I had not touched a piece of athletic equipment since high school and I lived my college years to their fullest.

What made you want to give Strength & Conditioning a try? 
At first, Strength & Conditioning served a purely aesthetic purpose. I got married last year and wanted to look nice.

What impact has Strength & Conditioning had on your life?
Soon after beginning Strength & Conditioning, I became addicted to the workouts and felt sad and uninspired if I didn’t go enough during the week. Aside from increased strength, higher energy level and elevated mood, I am able to think clearly and focus on projects for longer periods of time. I’d say overall my life has improved 100%.

What is your favorite thing about Strength & Conditioning? Courage Fitness Durham specifically?
I enjoy the purity of the environment. There are no machines and no mirrors. The members are a very encouraging andnonjudgemental group of people. The Durham facility is open and spacious and thankfully located downtown. Geer Street Garden is right across the street and they don’t seem to mind a bunch of sweaty athletes ingesting counterproductive substances on their patio.

How would you describe Strength & Conditioning to someone that had never heard of it before? 
I have described Strength & Conditioning as Olympic style weight lifting as a cardiovascular workout, plus every other tortuous exercise that one can imagine. I would describe the gym itself as what one would envision the Soviet Union trained their athletes in during the Cold War.

What is your Strength & Conditioning nemesis?
Snatches and running kill me.

What is your favorite movement?
I really enjoy kipping pullups and the split jerk.

What piece of advice would you offer to others thinking about starting Strength & Conditioning?
Come to a Community Workout on Saturday. Don’t be intimidated by what you see. Almost everyone that works out at Courage Fitness Durham started out where you are…And most of the trainers don’t bite.