Katya Wesolowski

423534_10150533860905448_119016129_nMember Since July 2009

What were you doing for exercise before Strength & Conditioning? 
Before Strength & Conditioning my main form of exercise was capoeira – an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines fight, dance and acrobatics. I have been training it for many years now both in the States and in Brazil and when I moved to Durham I had to transition from training to teaching and I was really missing my group and hard workouts, which you don’t get when you are an instructor rather than a student.

What has been your favorite workout so far?
I don’t have a favorite workout but I like best the WODs that incorporate a lot of different skills! 

How would you describe your previous athletic background before Strength & Conditioning?
I considered myself pretty athletic because of my background in capoeira and dance and yoga, but after staring Strength & Conditioning I realized how much I still had to go in terms of improving my strength, stamina and muscle explosion. I remember biking home from my first workout and feeling like I was going to throw up because I had worked so hard and having to get off and wheel my bike the rest of the way home. I was mortified but also jazzed, thinking, this is the workout for me!

2557_1111432228147_4611365_nWhat made you want to give Strength & Conditioning a try? 
I had started some personal trainer sessions at the Duke gym hoping I could get more inspired to work out on my own since I was no longer training capoeira 3-5 times a week and he suggested I might like Strength & Conditioning because of the group dynamic.

What impact has Strength & Conditioning had on your life?
I have definitely gotten stronger and fitter and being a member has added a fun activity to my life in Durham – I always look forward to coming to the gym.

Katyas-baby-boy-223x300What is your favorite thing about Strength & Conditioning? Courage Fitness Durham specifically?
I love the group aspect of Crossfit. For me it is much more fun and effective to train together with other people in a friendly, competitive environment. It is the closest thing I have found to being part of a capoeira group in terms of challenging, kick-ass workouts in a fun, social atmosphere. I also love that the WODS are different every day and you can always scale back so if you are feeling tired one day you can modify. In the same vein, I love that there is always a way to challenge yourself more. Like capoeira, I love Strength & Conditioning because I am always striving to improve and get to the next level of skill.

I love Courage Fitness Durham because of the diversity of people and the sense of community. I had always been intimidated by Olympic weightlifting but the Coaches at Strength & Conditioning were so good about teaching proper technique and encouraging you to work safely within you comfort range. I love that we are engaging in these bad-ass activities yet in a really mellow, friendly way. At the smaller 11:30am class we joke around a lot and sometimes, even dance and sing – thanks Ashley :). I loved that people were so encouraging during my pregnancy and I kept coming because of that until the day before I went into the hospital! Then after I had my baby everyone was so excited to meet him!

How would you describe Strength & Conditioning to someone that had never heard of it before? 
If you are serious about getting into shape, this is the most effective and fun way to do it.

What is your Strength & Conditioning nemesis?
The usuals – burpees, muscle-ups and double-unders.

What is your favorite movement?
Kettlebell Swings

What piece of advice would you offer to others thinking about starting Strength & Conditioning?
Commit but have fun: don’t be scared to scale back when you need to but also don’t be scared to challenge yourself. And always ask questions about proper technique so that you don’t hurt yourself.

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