Anyway You Want It

WOD for Thursday 110812Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Deadlift – 85% 1RM
4 Rounds For Time:
5 Any Way Overhead (185/135)
5 Deadhang Pullups
10 Toes To Bar

Post Deadlift Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after warming up perform 5 sets of 2 rep Deadlifts at 85% 1RM.  These should be heavy.  Make sure you take good rest between these work sets (2-3 minutes).  Make sure you put any PRs up on the board!

For the conditioning workout, the overhead load is meant to be HEAVY…80% 1RM.  Bar starts on the ground and you can get it from shoulder to overhead any way you choose.     

Tightening Up Your Toes to Bar and Knees to Elbows

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