Barbarians At The Gate

Nutrition Q&A next Saturday with Dr. Peters

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WOD for Tuesday 030612Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Weighted Pullups/Chinups
On the minute for 12 minutes:
3 Weighted Pull Ups
Max Rep Power Cleans 75%-80% of 1RM

Post Pullups Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, use a belt and do single rep pullups or chinups.  If you don’t have deadhang pullups without a band, use the smallest one you can.  Try these with different grips…overhand and underhand.

For the conditioning workout, use a load that allows you to get 3 pullups unbroken.  For the power cleans, make sure you are dropping under the bar to receive it.  Do not turn these into heavy barbell curls!

The 2011 Bar-barians!

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