Beef Jerky Time

2013 Paleo Challenge Starts TODAY! 

You have NO EXCUSE not to participate…You can still register!

Click here for rules and details

WOD for Monday 021813 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Back Squat
7 Rounds For Time:
7 Push Jerk (155/105)
7 Chest to Bar Pullups
7 Burpees

Post Back Squat Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after a basic warmup and mobility, perform 5 sets of single rep Back Squats at the following percentages – 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, and 90%. These should be heavy by the end, but you do not be working to max effort and you definitely shouldn’t miss any attempts.  Rest 2-3 minutes, at least, between sets. 

For the conditioning workout, take the Push Jerk bar from the floor to start each round (not each rep).  Stand to full knee, hip, shoulder, and elbow extension each rep before bringing the bar back to your shoulders.  Keep control on your pullups, making sure you touch the bar with your chest each rep.  Burpees are 2012 Games standard…jump to a height 6″ above standing outstretched arm for each rep.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT today at 6pm! 

Push Jerk Made Simple

Clifton Harski of BA Training will be here on Sunday, March 10th

for an awesome KB and Athletic Workshop!

Click here for more info

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