CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!
Wanna come? Click here
WOD for Sunday 050612 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
1-arm KB Push Press
3-3-3-max reps-max reps-max reps
For Time:
150 KB Swings (70/52)
Run 400m
When you can no longer swing make note of the number, set down the bell and begin your run. Begin your swings again and make note of the consecutive swings. When you reach failure, start your second run. Etc.
Post KB Push Press Loads and Workout Time and Number of KB Swing Sets to Comments
For the strength segment, perform sets of 3 reps per arm with a KB…one arm at a time. You can use a different load for each arm. Do not hold a KB in the non-working hand…this will make you really have to tighten your core as you perform your reps. Sets 4 through 6 are for max reps on each arm. Just don’t get sloppy.
For the conditioning workout, RXd is with Russian Swings. If you cannot complete RXd, use the heaviest KB you can handle. Generally, you should be doing somewhere between 3 and 5 sets of swings. If you can’t do that, you’re load is too heavy.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT this morning at 9am with Coach Paul!
In 24 minutes
10m broad jumps immediately followed by 100m sprint; recovery run (walk and/or run backwards) to start; goal is for even (within 2 to 3 seconds) splits
KB Push Press Technique Tips
Now THIS is how you do max reps!