Check out the CF Durham Store here for your holiday shopping!
The Carolina Fitness Challenge is Saturday – 170 competitors and up to 500 total attendees!
We need to get the big room and the gym ready this evening from about 5-8pm.
Please come help pre-, post-, or in lieu of your Friday night WOD!
WOD for Friday 120911 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press
For Time:
Run 800m
Row 1500m
150 Double Unders
Post Push Press Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, perform 6 sets of 2 rep Push Presses. Dip, drive, press! Do not do push jerks. When lowering the bar from overhead absorb the load by bending your knees.
For the conditioning workout, you have to work fast 🙂 For the power clean, use 70% of the heaviest rep you did in today’s strength segment. Remember for Ball Slams, you should catch the ball on the “bounce” in order for the rep to count.
There is NO OPEN GYM tonight!
Coach Glassman on the Push Press