2 Total Rounds:
2 Min on/2 min off (partners trade working intervals)
15 Lateral Burpees over DB/KB
Max Reps Alt. DB Snatch
2 Min AMRAP:
25 Goblet Squats
Max Reps Jump Squat over DB/KB
20 Shoulder 2 Overhead (10/arm)
Max Reps Single Arm Floor Press (change arms every 5 reps)
rest 3:00 and repeat!
Lower Body Pump Sesh!
1-2 Rounds:
*Split reps evenly and don’t ever do less than a set of 10!
100 Calf Raises (Hold a DB if you’re feeling froggy fresh)*Pause at the bottom of each rep, don’t bounce, ya welcome
100 Alt. Curtsy Lunges (hold a DB Goblet Style if you want)
100 Cross Body RDL’s (opposite hand places DB near opposite foot)
rest a few and repeat if you dare!