Warm Up:
2 rounds: Tabata Style
Jog in place
Alternating Lunges
Standing Forward Fold
Cossack Lunges
Hollow Lifts
Barbell Gymnastics:
With a PVC pipe or broom handle..
EMOTM x 4 Mins
5 Snatch Grip DL to above knee (hold for 2 secs above knee)
EMOTM x 4 Mins
7 High Pulls from Power Position
EMOTM x 4 Mins
5 Tempo OHS (3131)
Tabata Core Flow: 6 mins
:20 at each, :10 to transition (4 sets of each hold)
Middle Plank
Right Side Plank
Left Side Plank
rest 2:00
EMOTM x 4 Mins
3-5 Windmills each side
*Move slow and controlled on these.. the slower the better. If you have a small weight you can hold it overhead.
20 Min AMRAP
Run 400m
30 Alt. Single Leg V Ups
30 Situps
50 Double Unders