CFD workout for 11/19/2020

Warm Up:

2 Rounds: with a light DB

5/5 High Pulls with 3 second negative

5/5 Strict Press with a 3 seconds negative

:15 second passive hang from rings/bars (pronated/supinated)

2 Rounds: with PVC Pipe

10 Supinated pass-throughs

5/5 Around the worlds

5/5 Staggered stance good mornings

10 PVC Power snatches (Power/second)

Arch and Hollow Drills:

Alternating Tabata x 4 minutes (hold the PVC pipe for an extra challenge)

:20 second Hollow Hold, :10 seconds rest

:20 second arch hold, :10 second rest


For Timeā€¦ 9 Min Cap


Chest 2 Bar

Power Snatch



Ring Row/DB Deadlift

Power Snatch



Bar Muscle Up


Power Snatch