CFD workout for 11/2/2020

Warm Up:

3 Rounds with a PVC Pipe:

7 Pass throughs

7 Snatch Grip Strict Press (BTN)

2 Pushups ea/ Normal, narrow, wide

2 Rounds:

10 Air Squats

5 Medball Front Squats w/ pause in the bottom

5 medal push press w/ pause @ top

15 Single Unders (backwards on And 2)

-Burgener Warm Up-


12 Min AMRAP

3 Power snatch

15 wallball

35 Double Unders

6 Power Snatch

15 wall balls

35 double unders


Increase snatch reps by 3 each round 

DB Version:

12 Min AMRAP

6 Alt. DB Snatch

15 Medball Thrusters

35 Double Unders

8 Alt. DB Snatch 15 Medball Thrusters

35 Double Unders

*Increase DB Snatch reps by 2 each round

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