CFD workout for 8/19/2020

Warm up:

2 Rounds

:20 Plank Shoulder taps

5 Hang Db Snatches + 5 Strict Press + 5 Push Press R

:20 High knees

5 Hang Db Snatches + 5 Strict Press + 5 Push Press L

:20 Jumping Jacks


EMOTM x 10 Mins

Evens: 7 Each Arm Single Arm Plank Row with 1 sec pause at the top of each rep

Odds: 20-30 alt. DB Russian Twists


EMOTM x 15 Mins:

1) 7 Each Side DB Hang Power Snatches (all 7 reps on 1 side before switching)

2) :45 Plank (Straight arm or Elbow, players choice)

3) 7 Each Side DB Push Press + 30 crossbody mountain climbers


15 Arm Circles FWD

15 Arm Circles Back

1:00 Childs Pose