Look over to the right!
That’s how much time you have left to register for the 2013 Reebok Strength & Conditioning Open!
Get on it! We’re covering your registration fee!
WOD for Saturday 030213 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
In teams of two, for time:
200 Double Unders
150 Situps
100 KB Swings (52/35)
100 KB Swings
150 Situps
200 Double Unders
Team Consists of 2 athletes, 1 works at a time.
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The conditioning workout is WOD 12.1 from the 2012 CF Open. Note the standard…not just a burpee, but a burpee to a jump of 6″ above your standing outstretched arm.
COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am! Great for first timers…bring a friend!