Review All Movements
Strength: Pullups/Single Arm DB Press
Within 18 Mins complete 5 Sets:
5 Challenging Pullups (add bands or Weight as needed)
8 ea/arm Half Kneeling DB Press @ 30X1 Tempo
10 Band Pull Aparts
rest 60-90 secs b/w sets
EMOTM x 15 Minutes
1)Row/Bike x 15/12 Cals
2)Upper Gymnastics (Pullup/Muscle Up)*
3)10-12 alt. Box Step Ups
*Options: Kipping C2B, K. Pullups, Bar Muscle Up, RIng Muscle Up, Ring Row with 2 count pause
Choose a rep count that you can try to complete Unbroken each set
Comp: 18/15 cals (Bike) Muscle Ups, 24/20 with 2 50/35lb DB’s
Fitness: 15/12 cals, Chest 2 Bar, 24/20 with 1 50/35lb DB
GPP: 12/9 cals, Kip. Pullups or 8-12 ring rows, Box height =knee @ paralell
Health: 10/7 cals, 6-8 ring Rows, Bodyweight step ups