Skill:Ring Dips
Conditioning :
Every 3:00 x 27 mins (3 rounds of each station)
-Row/Bike x 500/400m or 30/25 cal Bike
-Run 400 Meters
-15 Double Russian KBS + :30 Front Rack Hold
“No “Levels” today… choose distances and loads that allow you to finish around 2:00 without feeling like you are sprinting..this one is loooonnnnggg”
Strength: Dip/Pull Apart
3 Sets:
20 Band Pull Aparts
“Big Set” of Ring Dips (2/failure)
Rest 90 secs b/w sets
I’d like to see sets of 5+ on the ring dips.. if that isn’t there today scale to something that allows you to accrue between 8-20 reps each set
*Scales for Dips
Ring Pushups, Bar Dips, Pushups