Strength & Conditioning workout for 2/6/20

Conditioning: Cardio Wendler:

Every 4:00 x 4 Rounds:

Row 500/400m

5 Deadlifts

1st Round: 60%

2nd Round: 65%

3rd Round: 75%

4th round: AMRAP @ 85% (1 unbroken touch and go set)

*Big classes will split in to 2 groups. Partner with someone with similar row ability as you. You will jump on the rower as soon as they are done.. everyone runs on the same 4 min timer today.

Completing for Quality (12 Mins)

Split these reps however you like… just get them all done!!

100 Band Pull Aparts

50 Hollow Rocks (or 1:30 worth of a hollow hold)

50 Ring Rows

100 Banded Good Mornings