Deuces Wild

Great job to everyone who’s taken on Open WOD 13.4!

WOD for Monday 040113 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – – (see video)

1 minute Single Unders
5 minutes Double Unders – 30 seconds on/30 seconds off

1 rep @60%
1 rep @70%
1 rep @75%
1 rep @85%
1 rep @90%
1 rep @95%
Establish 1RM (no more than 3 attempts)

AMRAP in 6 minutes:
4 Snatch Balance (65/45)
6 KB Goblet Squats (52/35)
8 Hand Release Pushups 

Post Snatch Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 3 rounds BEFORE class begins.  During the skill segment, perform 1 minute straight of single unders and then 5 minutes (30 seconds on/30 seconds off) of Double Unders.  There is no sub for DUs.  If your singles are horrendous, you can substitute those.  This is practice time!

For the strength segment, you will establish a 1RM Snatch for the day.  Follow the reps and % progression up to 95% and then take 2-3 attempts at a 1RM.  Failing is ok, but know your capacity and don’t be stupid. 

For the conditioning workout, see video below for Snatch Balance demo.  You will take the bar from the floor to start each set of these.  Note, that they are programmed quite light.  Focus on doing them correctly.  Be sure to receive the bar in a below parallel OHS and stand to full knee and hip extension before starting the next rep.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Snatch Balance with Coach Burgener

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