Drill Sergeant

July Paleo Potluck Party — Details coming soon!

WOD for Wednesday 062911Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Parallette Pushups
75 Strict Reps
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
DB Thruster (40/25)
6 Count Burpees (with a strict pushup)

Post Metcon Time to  Comments
For the strength segment, the Coach will call out the pushup reps as a group, with a 1-second pause at the top and bottom of the movement.  Emphasis here is on PERFECT form…so the sets will be small.

For the Metcon, perform solid, 6 count burpees.  No flopping on the ground or snaking back up.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT this morning at 6:15am with Coach Paul!

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting July 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

There’s more to parallettes than just pushups!

Coach Stew will be calling out pushups like this in the morning!