Fight For What’s Right

Don’t forget to download the new totalWOD app to your smartphone!

This app is fully integrated with your Mind Body account. You will be able to register for class (replaces Mind Body Connect app), review the workout, check out the daily leaderboard, and log your results all from the same app! 

App is available for both Iphone and Android. Download “totalWOD athlete” and use your Mind Body login info. 

We will begin posting our WODs to this app effective tomorrow. (Barbell Club transfer will occur in a few days)

3 x 10 seconds Hollow holds on floor (to reinforce "hollow body" position)
Then, 4 rounds: 20 seconds handstand hold
Scale down by walking feet into position, facing the wall and holding at an angle.
Scale up by kicking up to HS facing away from wall and attempting freestanding balance off wall.

5 reps of snatch grip deadlift at 60 %
3 reps of snatch grip deadlift at 70 %
3 reps of snatch grip deadlift at 80 %
1 rep of snatch grip deadlift at 90 %
1 rep of snatch grip deadlift at 90 %
1 rep of snatch grip deadlift at 90 %
1 rep of snatch grip deadlift at 90 %

5 Rounds For Time:
12 Deadlift at 155lbs
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk
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