Front Squats, Bro!

WOD for Monday 102912Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squats
Establish 1RM
3 Rounds For time:
15 Pullups
Run 200m
20 Thrusters (65/45)
Rest 1 minute between rounds

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For the Front Squat, take 20-25 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day.  You should work up to the heaviest weight that you know you can get, which is probably more like 98% of your true 1RM.  It is not necessary to work to failure.  It’s ok to leave something in the tank for next time. Don’t forget to put your PRs up on the PR BOARD!

For the conditioning workout, note that you are resting 1 minute between each round.  Take the thrusters from the floor.  DO NOT drop empty bars on the floor!

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Due to the construction, there is limited OPEN GYM space for the next week or two.  Please remember that WODs, Bootcamps, Foundations, and Barbell Course take precedent over any individual workouts.

Learn more about CF Endurance from Brian Mackenzie