The Iron Samurai is here this weekend!
You shouldn’t miss this! Click here
WOD for Saturday 063012 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
12-15 reps up to @80% 1RM
9-7-5 reps For Time:
Muscle Ups
Snatch (135/95)
Post Snatch Loads and Workout Time To Comments
For the Snatch, work up to a relatively heavy load (around 80% 1RM) over 12-15 total reps. This is more for technique than for PRs. In fact, you should not be missing many reps due to heavy load. Work technique from the floor and receive the bar in a full front squat and “grease the groove.” Rest roughly 1 minute between attempts.
This is a Strength & Conditioning Benchmark workout. These are full depth squat snatches. Receive the bar in a full overhead squat. You may power snatch and then OHS the bar if necessary. Sub banded or jumping MUs.
COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am! Bring your friends!
OPEN GYM today from 11-12pm in the “green” room. There is no Open Gym from 12-1:30 today due to the Iron Samurai Seminar that begins at noon.
Amanda Miller
Martial Arts Grand Master, Ron Van Clief, is coming to CFD for a Self Defense Seminar NEXT SATURDAY!
Don’t miss out! Click here for more info