Halloween Weightlifting Spectacular

halloween weightliftingAre you a Strength & Conditioningter?
Have you been training your Olympic Lifts (The Snatch and The Clean & Jerk)?  It’s time for you to do a Weightlifting meet…and we’ve got one specifically for Strength & Conditioningters.  Especially if you’ve never done one before, this meet is for YOU!  You may have done a Strength & Conditioning competition before, but never a Weightlifting meet. Here is your chance!  As you’ve heard in Strength & Conditioning’s “World Class Fitness In 100 Words” – “Regularly learn and PLAY new sports.”

You Are Good Enough Right Now!

How much weight do you need to be lifting to enter this meet?  Whatever you’re lifting RIGHT NOW!

How long do you need to have been lifting to enter this meet?  However long you’ve been doing Strength & Conditioning.

Don’t believe me?  Check out these videos (one, two, three, four) from the recent Durham Weightlifting Open to see the standards that you’ll be held to at this meet.

Focus your efforts

Just like signing up for a Strength & Conditioning-style competition makes you get serious about your double unders, signing up for a Weightlifting meet will focus your efforts when it comes to Weightlifting.

We’ll be following USAW rules with a couple of key modifications.  No singlet and no Weightlifting shoes will be required.

All the Rules Explained to You

The biggest stumbling block we generally see for Strength & Conditioningters coming into Weightlifting meets boils down to one key issue:
You think you have no idea what you’re doing.  You think you don’t know the rules.  And you think you don’t want to make a fool of yourself.

That’s why we’ll have Strength & Conditioning trainers and experienced lifters on hand to help make sure you are ready to lift when it’s your time to go.  Our goal is for you to have every opportunity to have the best day possible.

Meet Details

womens sessions durham weightlifting open
Female participants from the Durham Weightlifting Open in August 2015

The Meet will take place at Courage Fitness Durham on Saturday, October 31, 2015.

We’ll have up to 3 sessions – men’s and women’s.  Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 overall Male and Female lifters using the age adjusted Sinclair Total (ie, pound for pound and age will go into the calculation).  Also, in keeping with the spirit of Halloween, prizes will be awarded to the best male and female lifter Halloween costume!

Approximate Itinerary:
8AM women’s weigh in
9AM women start
10:45 Women’s awards
10AM Men’s weigh-in
11AM Men’s start
12:45 Men’s awards

Cost and Registration

The cost is $65 to compete and you can register here.  If you have participated in one of our previous events please email us to get an early bird discount code before October 19th.

This Event is Made for You!

Don’t miss out on an event that is designed to help YOU have a great first time experience!  We know you’re shy, but here’s a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, expend your competitive juices (without being wrecked for a week), and put your training to good use.

This event is limited to just 20 men and 20 women so that we can focus on people learning, having a good time, and running the meet on schedule.

Be sure to sign up now – with spots this limited they’ll fill up fast!

[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”large” src=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/halloween-weightlifting-spectacular-tickets-18249500748″]Register Here[/button]

Email with questions to dave@crossfitdurham.com

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